Monday, 24 December 2007

August 1845 Shangarei Limmud School

Shangare Limmud School of Barbadoes.

We gave last year some account of this institution, which owes its origin to the want felt for the knowledge of religion, now so universally experienced among all classes of Israelites in America. Our readers will, we doubt not, be gratified to learn that it has admirably succeeded thus far, and that the examination which took place on the 11th of May resulted to the satisfaction of both Israelites and Christians, who attended at the Synagogue upon this interesting occasion. The exercises of the day were opened by the following prayer by the superintendent, Mrs. A. Finzi:

“O most High, Thou who reignest supreme; we invoke thee to look down upon us, and bless all our undertakings, but more especially this one, The teaching the knowledge of our divine religion, to the infant minds of our children.

“We beseech thee, O Lord, to lead them in the path of virtue; to imbue their minds with love for thee, and to infuse into their young hearts feelings of filial piety, brotherly love, and a just appreciation of the efforts of their class-teachers in their behalf. We invoke for them, O God, meekness, piety, wisdom, and willing hearts; that they may continue to inculcate into the spotless bosoms of the infants intrusted to their care, the true principles of our faith; and that they may be enabled to carry out with honour to themselves, and justice to their pupils, the very responsible duties they have undertaken to fulfil. And now, O God, we return thee our grateful thanks that we have been permitted to appear on this occasion before thee, in this thy holy temple, in health and strength. We thank thee for the manifold blessings thou hast bestowed on us, and we pray thee to accept this our heartfelt offering, for the sake of thy great and holy name.—Amen.

Several hymns, Hebrew and English, were then sung, after which the classes were examined by their respective teachers. Another hymn in English followed, when. A. Finzi, Esq. delivered an appropriate address which our limits prevent us from communicating. Several other addresses were delivered by Messrs. Mozley Elkin and Daniel Lobo, when, after another hymn sung by the children, the superintendent distributed prize medals to Miss Lobo of the first, Master Hannanel Lindo of the second, Master Edward Daniels of the third, and Master Edgar Lindo of the fourth class. Presents were also given to each of the children, for whom likewise refreshments were provided in the vestry room.

We condense the above from “the Standard,” published in Bridgetown, Barbadoes, the editor of which speaks in the highest terms of satisfaction of the exercises, and expresses much regret that a severe indisposition prevented him from attending. Two of the hymns sung by the children are the production of our townsman Mr. David N. Carvalho, and another one was written by Mr. A. Finzi.—We hope, in conclusion, that the teachers will continue to persevere, and to reap a rich harvest of success in their pious undertaking; and we will use this occasion to assure them, that our pages shall always be open for them to lay the report of their doings before the public.


Anonymous said...


all this information that has been posted is fascinating I would be very grateful to be in touch with you as I am reseaching 'the Lindo's of Barbados and Mozely Elkin. I am his G.G.G. Grandaughter
thank you
Claire Myers

Unknown said...


all this information that has been posted is fascinating I would be very grateful to be in touch with you as I am reseaching 'the Lindo's of Barbados and Mozely Elkin. I am his G.G.G. Grandaughter
thank you
Claire Myers